Friday 2 March 2012

1 March 2012

Today morning I went for jogging..
I need to keep up..
Today first class was Acc301..
The lecturer quite good..
He was very serious on his teaching..
But he sometimes joke around..
I cant believe that he got a tattoo on his left arm..
After the class end, I got around 45mins break..
I walked around and I saw my fren..
She used to be taking same course as me..
But she changed to HRM + *I forget again* ><
We had a chit chat..
She introduce her BF to me too..
After that, I went to my second class Acc308..
I was impressed that the lecturer using different kind of teaching method..
She was not using powerpoint..
I dunno how she did it..
She use all the slide to make a mind map..
Zooming in and out of the map to explain the slides..
But the sad thing is, we printed our slides to the lecture hall..
But she is jumping slides and even skipping some of them..
And we need to really pay attention to what she said in the hall..
She keep talking and talking..
I was sitting on the last row of the hall T.T
I cant focus at all ><
Hope that I can really go thru this unit..

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