Thursday 15 March 2012

14 March 2012

Today for the Acc308 class,
I felt that a bit stress..
Because I kind of confused what actually this unit trying to teach us..
And we need more discussion during the class for our tutorial questions..
But I cant brain storm my answer..
Is it because I am unclear about the questions?
Next week going to have the Test ady ><
Today is my precious mum birthday..
I almost forgot about it..
Lucky my smart brother remind me about it..
I called back home and wished my mum..
And I get to know from her that dad is sick..
Poor one..
It must be he din watch out for his meal intake..
And lately it is raining over there..
Dad need to work everyday outside..
Maybe get caught in the rain..
Wish him recover as soon as possible ^^
Today after class, we had a small group meeting for our assignment..
We went to the Abacus Lab..
The computer very nice..
Because it is touch screen..
The screen is quite huge tho..
And about the smiling face in my toilet wall,
I add some feature on it..
Awesome, right?
I give it a pair of hands..
And it says, Hi!!

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