Monday 5 March 2012

5 March 2012

Today I went to Curtin..
I got no class for today..
But I went there to buy my text book..
And help my fren to collect her text book that she ordered thru online..
And also I wanna check on the Bookshop Grant..
But they haven post the list that who got the grant..
This week is the 2nd week for my classes..
I dont still get my book for taxation..
I am still waiting for the grant..
Today I forgot to print out my lecture notes for this week..
Tomorrow I need to go back early to print my notes..
Today is boring..
And my cough still not gone..
This make my day more annoying..
I just done my homework for tomorrow class..
Actually, it should not considered as "done"..
Because some of the questions, I have no idea how to solve it..
Now I am gonna read manga online..
"Fairy Tail"
Start from Chapter 1 Page 1..
I heard from my fren, this manga not bad..
So lets see!!

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