Saturday 31 March 2012

30 March 2012

Today I woke up early..
And get prepared for the day..
I cycled to Curtin..
And took the 99 Bus to Belmont..
Went to the Supa IGA and find Toan..
He asked me to fill in the application form..
He also asked me to fill in the Tax File Number and Bank Details forms..
Before filling in, Toan wanna go buy lunch..
But he asked me to buy it for him and his frens..
His fren said that he is nasty that asked a new guy to get lunch for them..
I din resist..
I am willing to help them get their lunch ^^
After I get their lunch back to them, Toan asked me to go recognise the vegetables..
Working in this department, you must know the name of the vegetables..
It is very important..
While I going corner to corner remembering the name of vegetables,
They having their lunch..
I go through again and again..
I think I manage to remember most of them..
Some of the vegetables, I never seen before..
Some that, I seen it and even ate it before but I dont know the name..
After his lunch, he asked me continue filling up the forms..
After that, he asked me to get 2 boxes of lettuce out..
Lettuce, hmmpp.. Which is it..
I get in the freezer and get it..
At first I got the long lettuce, but he actually need the round lettuce..
I put it back to freezer and get the right one..
It was freezing inside the freezer..
We both replace the lettuce to the tray and put the old lettuce on top of it..
After all this thing done, he asked me to replace the price of the packed tomatoes..
I think I am starting used to it..
After that, he drive me back to Curtin..
He told me that, they need 2 weeks to process my file number..
So after 2 weeks then only he can assign me for shift..
He asked me to work at the same time as him, which start at 4am ~.~
I got no license no car..
How the hell I can reach at 4am?
But nevermind, we will work it out soon..
I went to Coles and bought milk and chicken breast..
I went home after that..
My friend told me that she just booked for the contiki trip..
And today is the last day of discount..
Super last minute..
I went back to Curtin and book for my contiki..
And got the $75 discount..
I think the person on the front desk sure hate me..
Because I kept changing my mind whether to book it now or next day..
I dont have enough cash to pay the full amount..
That is the problem..
It is troublesome to borrow money from fren..
So end up, I booked it today and paid part of the amount..
And I need to pay the balance tomorrow at the other branch..
I felt so sad and pain in the ass for using damn a lot of money..
I have no idea why girls can spend alot of money and continue spending again ><
On my way home, my bike "broke down"..
I dont know how to explain the condition of it T.T
But I know that, I cant use the bike unless I fix it..
Oh ya, the Nandos from Karawara called today..
They asked to go for an interview on 3.45pm tomorrow..
If I got this job, I will love it so much..
Because it really near and pretty convenient for me..
I dont need any public transport, I just need to walk or cycle (if I got my bike)..
I really really hope that I got the job..
Good Luck for me ^^

Friday 30 March 2012

29 March 2012

Today I almost late to class..
But luckily I reached there just in time..
The lecture today looks like was in a hurry..
She was like riding a rocket..
Going through the slide with flash speed..
We end our class in 45mins..
And I got 1hour and 15mins before my next class..
Total boring at that time..
We head to main cafe to have lunch..
In the next class, the usual lecture went overseas for VL..
So we got a temporary lecture..
An old guy with a long pony tail =]
But still the class in boring..
And the people seating in the hall is getting lesser every week..
After the class, I head to Coles to buy chicken breast for my dinner today..
I received a call from the restaurant that I applied yesterday..
Happy Meal is the restaurant name..
Is not the Happy Meal in McD..
They asked me to go for training without pay on Saturday 6pm..
Finally I can start doing something..
I sure will get this job..
Lets show them what Jack can do in a restaurant ^^
After next week, here comes the Easter Break..
Before that, I got no more test or presentation left..
But after that I got 3 tests on the next week of Easter Break..
So I think I am gonna start prepare my reading material for the test this few weeks..
And I need to do some research for my Acc308 assignment which due on week10..
So tomorrow I will go Belmont Village to find Toan at Supa IGA..
I set my alarm..
Need to reach there before 1pm..
Yes, I can do it..

Thursday 29 March 2012

28 March 2012

After class, I took bus to Victoria Park..
Before that, I printed 10 copies of my resume..
I went there for finding jobs..
I went in to 2 chinese restaurant..
One of them is where my fren currently working at..
While at Nandos, I asked for the Front Desk for job..
They said, I could leave my resume there..
After that, I left the store..
But suddenly someone call me..
2 guys, customer of Nandos..
They asked me, am I finding for job..
And they asked, did I have any license..
Which sadly that I dont have..
So I walked off after that..
After a few minutes, that guy called me again..
I went back there..
And I think they are trying to interview me..
They asked my available time..
What is my course..
At the end, they asked me to go Supa IGA at Belmont Village on Friday before 1pm to find them..
They said that I need to fill in the application form so only they can hire me..
And they still said about they having a employee having a holiday..
They will give me 1 day work first..
If I am good with it, they will assign 3 days for me..
Sound great??
But is this counted as I got a job??
Or I need to wait until Friday??
After that, I wait until 3pm for my frens to have their breaks..
So that they can give me a ride home ^^
Thumbs up!!
About the Avatar: The Last AirBender,
I had watched until episode 60..
Still got 1 more episode which is 61..
I will leave it for tomorrow morning =]

Wednesday 28 March 2012

27 March 2012

The Taxation test for today was alright..
I think I manage to pass it with no doubt..
But still after discussion with fren about the answer after test,
I still got some question wrong..
Oh, I got my marks back for my presentation..
I think it is fine for me..
But my groupmate keep complaining that the tutor is too strict on marking us..
She said her fren from other class got 23/25..
I think the mark given to us is appropriate..
Because we got some mistake..
Like British vs American spelling..
"Center" is tot it is British and "Centre" is American..
But actually is the other way round..
I learn something here..
After the class, I went to main cafe to have my lunch..
I am so starving that time..
After lunch, I went to print my notes..
I spent 20 mins editing the notes and printing it out..
I was late to the finance lecture..
But it is alright, since I am gonna read my own slides in the lecture..
It was so windy today..
While cycle home, the wind keep blowing from the left side..
Making my hair get messy like a crazy..
I had my nap at 6.30pm..
I set my alarm at 7.30pm..
But I woke up at 9pm..
Did the alarm rang??
I didnt heard anything..
I checked back my phone, it was closed..
Did I closed it??
I dont remember anything about that..
So I closed it unconsciously??
Or the alarm automatically went off after 1 hour of ringing??
Or I din actually switch it on at the first place??
Who I ask for the answer??
Well, my dinner for today was Fried Onion Egg + Ham..
Lately I keep eating onion..
Is because I bought a whole pack of onion..
I dont like to keep food too long..
So I will finish as soon as possible ^^
And today is actually a special day..
My fren's birthday..
I called back to Malaysia and wish her..
We chat for awhile..
Is been a long while that we didnt chat..
Is good to share something happy with fren and caring each other..
I used to be making some hand craft annually for her birthday..
But this time, I think I gonna stop doing it..
Maybe will do it again when I got the mood =]
I have forgive myself for anything bad I done..
I feel lighter and maybe merrier..

Tuesday 27 March 2012

26 March 2012

Went to Curtin for the Information Session today..
I finally get to meet my travel buddy..
I didnt seen her before..
We just chat on Facebook..
Sharing and discussing the idea for the trip to Europe..
After the Information Session,
We chat awhile about the trip thing..
And I head home afterwards..
By the way, the person in charge for EBS programme, Sam, is really beautiful..
She give me this kind of feeling..
Before I went home, I went to KFC..
I passed the form to the worker..
And went to Coles to buy some bread and apples..
I met one of my fren over there..
Same as last week..
She also shopping alone like last week..
Around 2pm, my fren asked me to join her have lunch..
At first, she planned to have lunch at Applecross..
But the Japanese restaurant is closed for Sunday & Monday..
So we went else where to have our lunch..
After that, I spent my time on studying for my taxation..
I hope that I absorbed everything I read into my mind..
It is really many words..
But now I think I am prepared to face the test tomorrow..
Wish me Luck..
Dinner for me today was Chicken Onion..
Going to bed right now..
So sleepy =]

Monday 26 March 2012

25 March 2012

Today get up from bed and straight switch on my laptop..
I wanna continue download my Avatar ^^
I ate my breakfast and study for my taxation..
The preparation for next class..
But I din study for the test yet ><
Because I am obsess to the Avatar: The Last Airbender..
I watched 5 to 7 episodes of it today..
So fun and excited..
So tomorrow I am gonna work harder for my study..
Hope to score it high..
Today my owner cooked for dinner..
All of us got to eat together..
And he also bought Cha Siu (Pork)..
Few days ago I just complaining how I miss the food in Malaysia..
And now I got to taste the Cha Siu..
Delicious dinner..
Tomorrow I need to go Curtin..
Is for the EBS programme Information Session..
Need to jot down everything..
I will get to know the information for changing my final exam date and accommodation in Germany..
And get to meet the mates that going for EBS together..
Hope to have go through well with them..

Sunday 25 March 2012

24 March 2012

Today around 1pm,
My fren came to my house..
After I packed all my stuff for the Beach,
We head out to Coles..
We bought some snacks and a Chocolate drink..
And we had our lunch at Chilliz..
After that, we went across the KFC and to bus stand..
I forgot to bring along the employment form to pass it back to KFC..
We got on to the bus around 2pm..
After a few while, we suddenly noticed that I took a wrong place to the wrong place..
We should head to Perth City by bus..
But the bus we took is heading to the Canning Bridge train station..
So we get down from the bus and took another bus to city..
This is the first time for both us to go Cottesloe Beach..
We have no idea which route we should take..
So we follow the GPS of our phone google map..
We reach there at 3.30pm..
My frens reached there before me..
So we need to find their whereby..
I called my fren and asked her whether she is on the left side or the right side of the beach..
The beach is very long..
She told me that she is around the green building..
But I am standing around the green building..
I cant find her anywhere..
We kept contact each other and exchanged landmark around us..
I asked her did she saw any something like a rock bridge around her..
She said no..
So I guess that she is on the right side..
We both walked for around 2km and get to the right side..
But still I cant see her around that area..
I asked her to send me her location through SMS..
But I cant received it..
After that, she told me that she is around the Indiana Cottesloe Beach Cafe..
When I checked the google map,
It is located on the left side on the beach..
We need to walk back there for another 4km..
At first, we wanna take the bus..
But we waited so long, the bus didnt came..
We have no choice to walk all the way there..
It was pretty tired..
When we found my fren, it was already around 4.30pm..
At the same time, another group of fren, who departed 1 hour later than us, just arrived..
Luckily we sat on the sand first and didnt notice that we just arrived..
Haha.. If they know about it, they will sure laugh like a crazy..
The wave of Cottesloe Beach is so calm..
It doesnt like Scarborough Beach..
The water is so freezing..
We saw the sunset..
A long orange line..
It is pretty..
After that, we took the train and went to Claremont..
We had our dinner at Grilled Burger..
I ordered Kung Fu Fighter Beef Burger..
It was tasty..
The chips also not so bad..
It just a bit salty..
After that, we head home for the day..
It was a bumpy Saturday..
Walked a Marathon..
Party like Fool..
Having all the fun =]

Saturday 24 March 2012

23 March 2012

I went to Uni today..
To print out my brother photo invoice and my resume..
That invoice is for brother convocation photo..
I went to Phillips and Father to collect the photo..
1 photo and 1 CD..
For $200..
So expensive (for me)..
But it is paid by brother before he went back..
After that, I went to Waterford Plaza..
I wanna submit my resume to some of the shop..
I wanna get a job..
1st, I went in to KFC..
I saw people lining up for order..
So I stand aside and wait until no customer..
But when the customer get lesser,
There was still more coming in..
I didnt wait anymore..
I line up and asked for vacancy..
They passed me a form to fill and submit back to them next time..
2nd, I went to Domino Pizza..
Sadly, they hope for driver..
I dont own a car..
The job is not for me ><
Mayb I could try translate my license and ask for the job again..
Good idea..
Will consider it..
3rd, I went to Burger Edge..
Currently not hiring..
But would love to have my resume..
4th, Gelare..
If you have a resume, you can leave it here..
Thanks, I will pass it to my Manager..
5th, Subway..
You could leave your resume here..
We will contact you once we hiring..
6th, Nandos..
I left my resume there again..
7th and the last one, I forgot the name, a Bubble Tea shop..
Left my resume there..
Looks like they all have enough crew..
And they received a lot resume from the others..
Do I have a chance to get employed?
After that, I bought some stuff and went back home..
We had Bah Kuh Teh for dinner today..
At my fren house..
I ate a lot of the meat..
And I done for my Acc308 homework..
So I just need to read up my Taxation for next week class..
And also for the Taxation Test as well..
Tomorrow I am heading to Cottesloe Beach around 2pm..
Finally beach again..
I will have a lot fun there..

Friday 23 March 2012

22 March 2012

Today I received a bad news..
It was from the Hiring Manager of McD..
I asked her about when can I start working..
She replied me that there are 16 people ahead of me..
Need to wait them get their training only I can start mine..
I waited this long..
I wanna get a job so badly..
I really need to earn something for my trip to Europe..
Stupid Shit..
I planning to go Uni tomorrow and print few copy of my resume..
I want to try find any job available around my area..
I dont care about the pay right now..
As long I got a job..
If I really din find a job around here..
I will try work at my housemate workplace..
Let try my luck..
Mum called while I napping..
Ruined my rest time..
We chat about my job and my study..
Quite disappointed for the job thing..
Beside that, I going to Cottesloe Beach this Saturday..
The whether is gonna be chilly that day..
So it will be awesome heading to beach that day..
Many frens joining too..
But still some of them need to work..
Sound so fun..
Cant wait for that day..

Thursday 22 March 2012

21 March 2012

We got a new tutor for our Fin class..
Just graduated last year..
And took this Fin307 last semester..
So hope that she is good in it..
And the class was quite boring..
Because the questions for this week tutorial is mostly True/False and Explaining..
And I dont have my text book..
She tried to ask us to read out the questions..
But most of us dont even bring a text book to class..
So end up she read all the questions by herself..
And answered all of them by herself..
Poor thing..
Today having the test for Acc308..
The test was kind of hard for me..
Because of my reading skill..
Some of the question, I dont quite understand what it means..
After 30 mins, we handed up our test paper..
And the tutor mark it immediately..
I got my mark..
Last week, the tutor mentioned that he expect us to get 7 above..
But I only got 6..
But someone got only 1 wrong..
Why that is not my paper?
After the test, we still having some fun in the class..
Today I had a 3 hours nap again..
I really like it to have a long nap..
If not my fren called, I think I will keep napping..
Well, today I had my dinner at my fren house..
Curry Rendang Chicken..
And Thai Chilli Tofu..
I din ate much of the Tofu..
Because it is spicy..
And one of the tenants (Boy) in my fren house stopped renting the room..
My fren told us that she saw some girl's panties in that person room..
Totally disgusting..
Why girl's panties will appear in a boy room..
We keep chatting about this freaking topic..
We went in the room to have a look on it..
Not cool..
But we found $3 dollar, 1 transperth card, 1 rolex watch..
We not sure the rolex is it the real thing..
We leave it there..
But I took $2 dollar from it..
For my savings ^^
Thanks btw..

Wednesday 21 March 2012

20 March 2012

Today is the day for Presentation + Test..
Well, the first Taxation class for 3 hours..
Totally hard to focus..
Sit on the chair for 3 hours ><
After that, is my Acc301 class..
Presentation time..
I wore formal to Curtin..
Bringing my laptop along to uni..
It was so damn heavy..
And the bag is too small..
I hardly stuck everything in that bag..
But my fren told me that, we can use the computer in the class..
But I had brought along my laptop..
During the presentation,
I accidentally said "Shit"..
I tot no one heard it..
But when the tutor giving feedback,
He did mentioned about being swearing during the presentation..
And another funny part is,
One of my groupmate didnt dress in formal..
She presented with casual style..
The presentation was all fine and smooth..
After that class, is time for the Test for Finance..
We first did for this week Lecture Topic..
Then only go for the Test..
The test was included 1 Capital Budgeting and 4 MCQ..
After the test, I discussed with fren about the test questions..
And I found out that I got a mistake..
I think it is a huge 1..
The Working Capital required every year should be 5 percent of the year revenue..
But I take the 1st Working Capital amount times 1.05 every year..
This make my every Net Cash Flow, Present Value and Net Present Value wrong..
Hard shit..
What a super duper careless mistake I got here..
And today I overheard that my owner bought a new pot for cooking..
Because he cant find the pot he usually use..
That is because the pot is at my fren house..
I brought it there but haven return back ><
So sorry..
Lucky he is so generous and didnt blame me for anything..
Tomorrow is my last test for this week..
Totally the hard test..
But is all MCQ and True/False questions..
I studied until just now..
I hope I can pass through this ^^

Tuesday 20 March 2012

18 March 2012

Today is the day for me to study..
Tomorrow I having 1 test and 1 presentation..
Study, Rest, Study, Nap, Study, Eat..
I think I can handle the test tomorrow..
But about the presentation,
Now I am feeling some stage fright..
I must get thru it..
I am gonna dress in formal..
And bring my laptop along with me..
Heavy thing ><
Today I went to Coles for "in-stocking"..
I met my fren over there..
I stopped and chat awhile then continue shopping..
After that, I met another 2 frens..
What a coincident..
After bought all the stuff I want, I cycled home..
Make me like a stupid..
Having a bag on the bicycle's handle..
And one more bag on my shoulder..
There was a lot people waiting on the bus stand,
That I must pass by to get home ><
I guess they would say,
"That guy kind a funny"
Just now I scroll thru the Facebook..
I saw someone post about the Avatar..
Make me feel like wanna watch it..
Avatar: The Last Airbender..
I google it for download available..
I wanna download all the season..
And treasure it ^^
And 1 last thing, Wish me Luck!!

Monday 19 March 2012

18 March 2012

Because of yesterday "Party",
I woke up late today..
My fren called, that woke me up..
He invited me for lunch..
Having Prawn Mee at fren house..
I get up and ate my breakfast..
Finished my practice question for Finance..
Then headed out to meet my fren..
We went to IGA..
I wanted to buy cereal pop..
But the price is more expensive than Coles's..
Ended up just bought some onion for my own..
We head back to fren house and prepared for the lunch..
The prawn mee was taste..
I wish that I can refill the mee ><
I had my nap for the day..
Slept for around 3 hours ><
And my dinner today was just Fried Onion Egg..
Because of my laziness..
I didnt cook any pasta..
Tomorrow I need to start study my Acc308..
Test coming =]

Sunday 18 March 2012

17 March 2012

Yesterday I slept at around 5pm ><
Because of reading Fairy Tail..
Manga make me sleep late again><
Today I woke up at around 11..
I stayed at home doing my revision for finance test..
Me and my frens went to city for dinner..
But we haven decided where to eat when we reached city..
We walked around..
And saw a lot ppl in every bar..
Today is the St Patrick day..
I have no idea what special event it is..
But some of them dress in green color..
We walked walked around..
And finally decided to have Japanese food as dinner..
Yoshiya Japanese Restaurant..
The food there is pretty tasty..
But~ the price is quite expensive..
We ate the Entree and some sushi then left the shop..
We can't afford to continue eating in that shop..
Some of us weren't full..
So we went to Taka Japanese Restaurant as 2nd round..
After that, we walked to north bridge..
And we went to Karaoke..
But the small room is unavailable..
So we changed location..
Now we gathered at fren house..
Cooking Indo Maggie for supper..
Freaking spontaneous day!!
And spent quite a lot for today too!!

Saturday 17 March 2012

16 March 2012

I downloaded a software for designing your own home..
Google SketchUp..
Cool software..
But I am still new with it..
So kind of hard to full control and use the software..
I had no class for today..
Woke up and had my breakfast..
Played Spider Solitaire..
Read Fairy Tail..
I had out of stock for my cereal pop..
That mean I got no lunch ><
But I ate chocolate..
Really tasty..
And my frens sent some handmade Vietnam wrap to me..
That solved for my starving..
Thanks guys..
I am kind of sad tho..
None of my fren reply to my whatapss about heading to Beach this weekend..
No one wanna go..
But I really wanna go there..
Enjoy the wind of the sea..
I cant be going there alone..
It will totally bored if no one is there to let me talk to..
Well, lets forget about it..
I just realize that my taxation test is held on week 5, which is next next week..
So that means I only got 2 test and 1 presentation on next week..
This make me relief..

Friday 16 March 2012

15 March 2012

Today woke up and sent my clothes to washing machine..
Ate my breakfast..
Before I left, I took out the clothes from the washing machine..
And hang them outside the house..
Since the day not gonna rain as well..
After I came back from class,
Some of my clothes were on the coach ><
I guess is because of the windy day, it dropped on the ground..
And my housemate picked it up for me..
Didnt really expect the wind could be that strong..
Today we had our group meeting..
We sum everything up by combining all the parts and slides that everyone done..
Correcting some of the errors..
And we are done for it..
1 more thing left is the presentation on next week..
We will go through it well..
My fren invited me for dinner tonight, chicken rice..
At first, I accepted the nice offer of hers..
But suddenly I dont have the mood to eat chicken rice..
And I kind of miss the chicken rice at Malaysia..
My Cha Siu Fan T.T
Is grilled pork rice..
Super nice..
But I am not in Malaysia now..
So I had pasta as my dinner at home, alone..
For this coming few days,
I need to pump up myself..
I need to clear homework fast..
So that I could have enough time study for coming test and presentation..
Good Luck Jack !!

Thursday 15 March 2012

14 March 2012

Today for the Acc308 class,
I felt that a bit stress..
Because I kind of confused what actually this unit trying to teach us..
And we need more discussion during the class for our tutorial questions..
But I cant brain storm my answer..
Is it because I am unclear about the questions?
Next week going to have the Test ady ><
Today is my precious mum birthday..
I almost forgot about it..
Lucky my smart brother remind me about it..
I called back home and wished my mum..
And I get to know from her that dad is sick..
Poor one..
It must be he din watch out for his meal intake..
And lately it is raining over there..
Dad need to work everyday outside..
Maybe get caught in the rain..
Wish him recover as soon as possible ^^
Today after class, we had a small group meeting for our assignment..
We went to the Abacus Lab..
The computer very nice..
Because it is touch screen..
The screen is quite huge tho..
And about the smiling face in my toilet wall,
I add some feature on it..
Awesome, right?
I give it a pair of hands..
And it says, Hi!!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

13 March 2012

Today the first 2 classes went thru well..
But that stupid Fin307 spoiled the day..
The lecturer really too boring..
I felt sleepy in the class..
I read my own slides like self-educating..
After that, I played Draw Something with frens..
I really miss the Fin215 lecturer..
His lecture is more clearer than this..
Went home after the class..
Ate my Milo pop with Milk..
Had my nap around 6.30..
And woke up around 8.30..
Truly enjoyed the nap I had..
I lazy to cook anything for my dinner..
So I took the frozen pizza, that my housemate gave me, for baking..
While waiting, I took my bath..
And I done a stupid thing..
I use the hair to make a smile face : ) on the bathroom wall..
Dunno how will my housemate react while they saw that..
Pizza as dinner = super satisfied..
I just remembered that I need to email my lecturer about my assignment next week..
And I done my homework for tml classes..
Going bed soon..
Let write that email 1st ><

Tuesday 13 March 2012

12 March 2012

Today I had my super nice sleep..
Because of exhausted..
I woke up but I got nothing to eat for breakfast..
I din bought any bread yet..
So I planned to go for Chilliz..
I called my fren to join me for breakfast..
But she said she wanna do her laundry 1st..
And after that will join me for Brunch..
I played few rounds of Spider Solitaire while waiting for her..
We went to Coles to meet up the others..
They were buying grocery..
And we had brunch together at Chilliz..
We discussed about our dinner eating together..
And what should we buy and prepare for tonight..
After that, we went to Coles to buy my breads & tunas & milk too..
Other than that, we bought the ingredient for tonight as well..
After all this, I went back home..
I worked on my assignment script and slides..
After done it half way, I felt so sleepy..
And I had a short nap of 45mins..
But I hope that I could rest more..
I continued on my assignment thing..
Suddenly, my fren called and asked me to go buy rendang paste and coconut milk..
It was for the dinner..
So I went out to bought it and straight went to their house..
The dinner was awesomely nice..
Because of the rendang chicken..
After that, I went home and continue on my assignment..
Until now I just finish it..
I haven bath right now..
And I need to study my taxation for tomorrow class as well T.T
I will sleep very late tonight..

Monday 12 March 2012

11 March 2012

Slept at 5am early morning..
And woke up at 7am..
Because of worst sleep ever..
My stomach still struggling that time..
I went to toilet..
And had my bath afterward..
I was so damn hungry that time..
Feel like wanna vomit..
But my stomach was empty that time..
I din buy any bread, I got no breakfast to eat..
So then I eat some of the Milo Pop..
As the temporary meal ><
After that I went back to bed around 8.30am..
Slept until around 12pm..
It felt nice sleep after bathing..
But still, I woke up at 12pm, I got nothing to fill up my starving..
Luckily, I saw the huge pot of porridge..
My owner made it..
After that, I done my homework again..
And around 3pm, I went to my fren house..
My house online service suck..
Cant even connect to the router ><
I went there used their laptop for access for the McD stuff..
And had my 2nd meal..
And we watch a movie as well..
Ya!! On the way to my fren house, I saw someone giving out their bike..
I took the bike home..
Because I want to use it to repair my another bike..
Truly the bike that I took from other is very rusty..
Especially the wheel..
I tried to dissemble it and assemble it to my bike..
After few hours of hard work..
End up I still cant fix my bike with that rusty scrap..
And my hands are full of oil and dirt..
But I still get the seat to replace mine..
After that, I brought the bike to the house opposite street..
Hahax.. I dunno wanna let ppl know that is me throw that bike ><
That stupid taxation, got whole lot of reading need to be done..
20 pages++ ><
I will continue it tomorrow..
And now I am enjoying the porridge again ^^

Sunday 11 March 2012

10 March 2012

Sorry for not posting the blog when I reached home..
I woke up early and get prepared for my McD interview..
I saw a fren of my brother working in the McD that I interview for..
Is so unexpected..
She haven noticed me yet..
So I asked for the Hiring Manager..
One more unexpected that the Manager is Asian..
I tot he/she is Australian at the first..
Because she is Asian, this make me less stage fright..
I passed my document to her..
And we start talking..
And I mentioned that one of the employee is fren of my brother..
And she was like "Huh?! Who is it?"
And we both laugh..
The interview was pretty nice and smooth..
It took only around 10mins..
After I called my mum to pass on the merriness news..
She did asked a lot of questions..
Like how was the pay?
Is it convenient for my to travel from my house to work?
And etc..
But I sure that she is happy that I got the job..
After awhile, the hiring manager called..
She asked me to join for 12pm orientation..
I was like "YES!!"..
Cause I have no need to wait for few weeks..
And I called my brother after that..
I mentioned to him about his fren..
And he know it all the time..
And he told me that, actually the hiring manager is the sister of his fren..
For the orientation, there were around 10 ppl in the room..
We filled up the form and meet the SDA agent..
Showed around the shop..
Get to try our uniform and record our size..
I got the McD cap ^^
After the orientation ended, I have a small chat with the manager..
She mentioned that there were more than 100 crew for this shop..
And now I am kind of worried that I wont get any many shift..
Hope it doesnt happen..
She mentioned that I really the special and lucky one to get the interview & orientation on one day..
Some of them waited for few month for the orientation after their interview..
After all this job matter stuff settled, I went home..
At night, we went to ToTo for dinner and celebrate our fren's birthday..
Durian cake.. Lolx..
After this, we still got our after party..
We went to Metro City for clubbing..
This club very special..
Only this club in Perth is crowded with Asian every night..
At the first place, I plan not to drink any alcohol..
But afterward, I took my fren cup to have a taste of it..
When they mix few drink in a cup and it make the bitterness of the alcohol gone..
It taste sweet..
But still it is Alcohol, which I am truly bad with it..
I feel like vomit after the party but I din come out..
Make me so suffering..
We dance dance dance..
The dancers on the stage so energetic and wild..
We dance until around 3.30am..
And my legs feel so exhausted..
I wish that I got a carriage help me do the walking..
We went for "breakfast"..
But I din ate anything..
Just drank the Chinese tea..
Because I was still suffering from the effect of drinking alcohol ><
We reached home around 5am..
I straight away went to bed even without taking my bath..
That why I din post any blog that time..

Saturday 10 March 2012

9 March 2012

Today I lying on the bed until 1pm..
My housemate tot that no one home,
And she armed the alarm..
I heard the beeping..
But I tot will be alright..
I tot she armed "STAY" alarm..
Suddenly I remember that this beeping is for "AWAY" alarm 0.o
I rushed out my room on the final 10 sec beep..
But I didn't made it in time..
The alarm ~Scream~ for few second..
And I unarmed it..
Today I stayed at home the whole afternoon..
I online read manga..
Done some of my homework..
Until 6pm, I went out with frens to Coles..
Same as usual..
Bought the ingredient and went back to cook for dinner..
Fried Onion Egg again!!
My favorite..
Yesterday I forget to mention that I went to my fren house to learn baking..
I learned how to baked egg tart..
Next time I can bake it for my mum!!
Tomorrow is my big day!!
Hope nothing goes wrong during the interview..

Friday 9 March 2012

8 March 2012

I woke up in the middle of the night for few times..
2 times for toilet "leak"..
1 for coughing non-stop..
The cough really annoying..
I dunno why it haven gone yet..
Is it because which part of my room is contaminated?
Hope to get well sooner..
I sitting in front of the Guild House..
Watching ppl went in to claim for their Bookshop Grant..
Make me damn sad ><
I will apply again next semester..
Today class was fine..
And I got a pack from Charted Accountant..
I promoting their events..
There 1 thing inside the pack which I like the most..
The sticky paper..
I bought 1 sticky paper from Msia..
But unfortunately, the sticky paper is too old just like the shop, where I bought it from..
It stick the both page of my book ><
Now I got this new sticky paper..
My study life would be easier ^^
Now everyone is crazy on playing the Draw Something game in iPhone..
I think it is a good app..
I can train my art skill =]
Tonight dinner on my house..
My frens came to my house we cooked pasta..
We calculated the cost of it..
It is much more cheaper than eating rice with dishes XD
After the dinner, I plan to go for Pool game..
I wanted to try to meet up with the girls last day for pool game..
But they are not playing that day..
So I walked home with disappointment T.T

Thursday 8 March 2012

7 March 2012

I am so upset..
I din get the Bookshop Grant ><
And I bought the Taxation text book today..
$162.15 gone!!
Today after class, I went back home..
And I had my nap for few hours..
It was so nice..
Today dinner same as yesterday..
We went to Coles again to buy the ingredient for today..
Today I get to cook the Onion Fried Egg..
One of my favorite food..
Beside that, we got Ginger Chicken Egg Soup..
Balacan Veggie..
Chicken Bell Pepper..
It was so full today..
We planned to reduce rice for today..
But still we cooked too much of it..
We divided the left over of the rice to everyone..
We manage to finish all the rice..
I had read the Fairy Tails until chapter 25..
It really weird that they include character from other manga..
Plue, one of the character in The Rave..
The Rave is my favorite tho..
Plue is so cute..
It shacking all the times in The Rave manga..

Wednesday 7 March 2012

6 March 2012

The Taxation class for today was fine..
I haven bought my book yet..
Because I am waiting for the Bookshop Grant..
And the lecturer was upset for student without the books..
And she also quite upset for student that was late to class..
Because the late comer will interrupt the class..
Lucky she din asked us to leave the room or something..
She gave her best tolerance for us..
That was lucky that I got to borrow a book from person sitting behind me..
Thanks alot..
For the Acc301,
We formed a group and chose our presentation topic..
Our group will be the 1st blood..
On week 4..
And after that, I only realize that everything important for all my units happen on week 4..
Quiz, In-Class Test, Presentation..
Oh god..
Hope that I can pass through this..
For the Fin307,
The lecturer really made me felt bored in the hall..
For this week lecture, there are only 10 slides..
So I read through the slides myself..
And do my own stuff..
I know that, this is very disrespect to the lecturer..
But is more better than I sleep in the hall..
Today me and my fren will have dinner together on our fren house..
So we went to Coles to buy all the ingredient for today dinner..
And I am the person who cooked for all the dishes..
I requested to do so..
Because I wanna learn to cook..
But of course I cooked under the guidance of my frens ^^
They are good teachers tho..
The dinner was delicious..
Especially the soup..
After the dinner, we discussed about this weekend Beach thing..
It seemed that it gonna postpone again..
Because according to the weather forecast,
It gonna be 38 degree on Saturday..
It will be really hot there..
Everyone scares of getting sun burn..
And Sunday, most of them not free..
Oh, my Beach!!
I miss it so much..

Monday 5 March 2012

5 March 2012

Today I went to Curtin..
I got no class for today..
But I went there to buy my text book..
And help my fren to collect her text book that she ordered thru online..
And also I wanna check on the Bookshop Grant..
But they haven post the list that who got the grant..
This week is the 2nd week for my classes..
I dont still get my book for taxation..
I am still waiting for the grant..
Today I forgot to print out my lecture notes for this week..
Tomorrow I need to go back early to print my notes..
Today is boring..
And my cough still not gone..
This make my day more annoying..
I just done my homework for tomorrow class..
Actually, it should not considered as "done"..
Because some of the questions, I have no idea how to solve it..
Now I am gonna read manga online..
"Fairy Tail"
Start from Chapter 1 Page 1..
I heard from my fren, this manga not bad..
So lets see!!

4 March 2012

Yesterday I went to bed around 4am..
But I woke up at around 10am ~.~
I felt the tiredness but I cant sleep back ><
So damn awful..
I am so bored for today..
Everyday watch movie..
Almost all the movies in my hard disk, which I had watched..
Is that stupid McDonalds interview ><
Why 10 March is not today T.T
I really need that job..
My fren also got the interview from McD..
She had done the interview 2 weeks ago..
But until now, she haven got any shift from McD..
I hope that I dont get the same thing..
I now look like a snake..
My skin is peeling now..
Because of the sun burn that time..
And I downloaded the latest Underworld movie..
But it was not in English audio ><
So sad..
I thought that I can watch it already..
Guess that I need to find a English audio to download again..

Sunday 4 March 2012

3 March 2012

Today morning me and my frens went to Lok Fuk..
Dim Sum time..
I am so full after eating all those Dim Sum..
After that, we went to Perth City for a walk..
I bought a bubble tea..
But I think it was not that tasty..
Until around 4pm, we went back home..
And I changed my clothes and went to Vickery House..
I went there to play basketball..
At first, the court only got few people..
But after 1 hour time, all the 4 courts full of team playing..
Most of them are from China..
As I am a rookie in the basketball, it's really hard for me to play with them..
Their body are huge than mine..
Around 7pm, the sky starting to turn dark..
And the court have no spot light..
Everyone started leaving the court..
I cycled back to my house and took a bath..
After that, me and my frens went to SaraThai for dinner..
It is really nice, the food..
After that delicious dinner, we went to Eureka House..
Because 1 of my fren wanna watch football..
Which is Arsenal vs Liverpool..
While I joined other ppl to play pool..
I like pool so much..
My opponents are from Penang, Malaysia..
We play until 11pm..
After that, we went to IGA to buy some snacks..
Because we are going to one of our fren house drink beer and play..
Everyone is like crazy..
After playing 2 rounds of card games, we open some club music..
Everyone starting to dance in the middle floor..
It was so high and crazy..
Until now only I reached home and had a bath..
Now I am so sleepy because of beer that I drank..
I hate alcohol..
But cant be I went to their house and not joining for the games..
Good night..
I should go to bed now..

Saturday 3 March 2012

2 March 2012

No class for today..
Everyone in the house left for work and study..
Only me staying in the house..
Sleep until when I want..
I thought this coming Sunday is my interview..
But actually is next week Saturday ><
Make me so excited about this week..
And another sad thing is my fren, they haven decided yet are we going for Beach this weekend..
Because some of them are working on that day..
And some of them dont wanna join..
I really wanna go..
But cant be I go there alone ><
They plan to discuss on breakfast at Lok Fuk tomorrow..
Yes.. Tomorrow going Lok Fuk for dim sum..
Actually I din wanted to go..
Because it is quite expensive ><
But the food is nice and once a month..
It should be alright..
I hope that we can get the answer for the Beach thingy tomorrow..
Now I am doing my homework..
Not much of them..
I wanted to print my lecture notes for next week..
But I ran out of A4 paper ~.~
I feel like I lost of track for my life here as what I planned..
Now I feel so lazy and lifeless..
And now I am having cough..
So annoying..

Friday 2 March 2012

1 March 2012

Today morning I went for jogging..
I need to keep up..
Today first class was Acc301..
The lecturer quite good..
He was very serious on his teaching..
But he sometimes joke around..
I cant believe that he got a tattoo on his left arm..
After the class end, I got around 45mins break..
I walked around and I saw my fren..
She used to be taking same course as me..
But she changed to HRM + *I forget again* ><
We had a chit chat..
She introduce her BF to me too..
After that, I went to my second class Acc308..
I was impressed that the lecturer using different kind of teaching method..
She was not using powerpoint..
I dunno how she did it..
She use all the slide to make a mind map..
Zooming in and out of the map to explain the slides..
But the sad thing is, we printed our slides to the lecture hall..
But she is jumping slides and even skipping some of them..
And we need to really pay attention to what she said in the hall..
She keep talking and talking..
I was sitting on the last row of the hall T.T
I cant focus at all ><
Hope that I can really go thru this unit..